The Irokawa family houses three sets of twins who protect their school's public morals with mysterious abilities called ”senses.” The family adopts a girl named Meguri, who is made to wear boys' clothing and raised as the children's little brother. Will Meguri's brothers, who have an extreme dependence and connection to their mother, start to find a motherly figure in Meguri...?! Find out in this unsettling love-hate drama that examines a family trapped under the curse of a toxic mother.
Chapter 1173 PagesReleased: 2024/03/12
Chapter 2173 PagesReleased: 2024/03/12
Chapter 3173 PagesReleased: 2024/03/12
Chapter 4173 PagesReleased: 2024/03/12
Chapter 5179 PagesReleased: 2024/04/11